The American-based Danish ballet dancer-turned-experimental-pop-artist is a peculiar new cinematic electropop Dane who recently sailed across the sea to the artistic haven of Brooklyn, NY. With an opera singer for a mother, a theater organist for a father and Björk's Homogenic on constant rotation, Oh Land was enraptured by the combination of experimental and classical arts. "My goal is to sound like I'm from 2050, but still feel really classic, like the music is an old friend," said the 26-year-old.
Oh Land wakes up to an adventourous-filled world in her zany new clip for "White Nights." The CANADA-directed trippy video sees her dreaming about lots of rather odd scenarios like jumping off cliffs, morphing into animals and doing ballet with strangers, and throughout the clip, our Danish doll keeps waking up in various scenarios, looking as confused as we are. There's geometric dance parties; the pop star riding on a horse with a unicorn horn on her head; soft-shoeing on a sound stage; and cliff-diving in her undies.
With her dreams as the template, the video for "White Nights" is a reconstruction of the world in her mind; one that blends the natural and the technical. Oh Land herself gives us more details on the shoot. "In this video I explore these two opposite worlds in my dream and my imagination and I start mixing them together so they in the end become my world of oh land. It was very intense and fun to use dance in a whole other way. One of the things about this video that I'm proud of is how everything you see is actually happening."